Tuesday, August 26, 2014


So things have been a little stressy lately, and I've neglected my daddy blogging duties. In order to catch up a bit, let's do a recap of June...

The girls became social activists when they joined the protest to save Brooklyn's iconic Kentile Floor sign.

That same weekend the girls and I took a relaxing and educational cruise on The Circle Line.

We joined the Asanovics and Stefanoff/Imhoff gang for our annual Rye Playland get-together.

Stella and I finally broke open our sushi-making kit and made some awesome avocado rolls (Stella's favorite).

And at the end of the month we joined the Stefanoff/Imhoff gang and Kathy for a nature hike in Cold Spring.

Protesting with City Councilman Brad Landers.

On the Circle Line.
Soaking and happy at Rye Playland.

Chowing down after Rye Playland.

Sushi time.

Hiking in Cold Spring.

Cold Spring.