While walking through The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze with the girls and the Hills and the Ackermans and Ms. Stefanoff... Stella was looking at the pumpkins carved into dinosaurs. I pointed out some of the dinosaurs and she (correctly) pointed out that the one I was referring to was a triceratops. Who knew she knew?!
Turns out that they talk about dinosaurs a lot at Raindrops. We don't pay those guys enough!
While both kids struggled to get over their first big colds of the season (and Marni's latest ear infection), Daddy jetted off to L.A. to attend the last two performances of Genesis during their 2007 reunion tour. Sweet!
While I was away, the gals attended cousin Tyler's 3rd birthday party. A great time was had by all.
Meanwhile, Marni continues to smarten up at an alarming rate. A lot more words (including "eyes", "shoe", "bye", and "hello") and a very good understanding of what's going on around her.
Most importantly, the ladies at her daycare provided her with her first-ever hairdoo!
Since this past July, Stella has sprouted up about 1/4" while Marni has added another 1 1/4" to her substantial altitude (and attitude).
Recent additions include: "pee-pee" (including pointing at you if she sees you peeing), "baby", and "more"
The Shepards were back in the apple-picking business this year (after a one-year hiatus involving the snake-bite incident).
This year we went to a farm in East Brunswick with the Hoffman clan of Bridgewater.
We all met a 11 am and headed out into the pumpkin patch. Marni had some trouble with the vines, but she prevailed.
Next were pony rides for Stella and Tyler and then a hayride for all but hayfever-afflicted Brian. We saw all types of crops and animals.
A picnic lunch was followed by lots of apple picking. Then we piled our tired broods into our respective mini-vans and headed home (we headed to the Atlantic Antic to visit with Bubbles and the Leons).
After a couple of febrile seizures, we were advised to take Marni to a pediatric neurologist. So a couple of weeks ago we took her to see Dr. Daniel Miles at NYU. Nice guy. Did a bunch of little tests on Marni (touch this, grab this, watch this, etc.). Marni was in rare form. The results... she seemed normal to him (although he could not tell if she was left or right handed). Dr. Miles suggested we take her in for an EEG to check her brain waves.
Last Tuesday Marni, Lisa and I headed back to NYU for the test. Miss Marni was not at all happy getting 24 leads glued onto her skull. But a VHS machine in the room playing Mickey Mouse cartoons help a lot. After 25 minutes of measurements, it was time to remove the leads. This was very unpopular with Marni. But we got through it and she was as happy as could be afterwards.
No results of the test yet, but it was quite an adventure. And hopefully this whole brain thing is behind us.