Friday, May 2, 2014

A Very Harry Birthday

The yearly birthday theme selection is like spinning a giant wheel of chance. Round and round it goes, and where it stops, no one knows.

This year it stopped on Harry Potter.

Little Marni and big sister Stella have been bitten hard by the Potter bug ever since I showed them the first movie a few months ago.

So this year the theme was everything Potter.

Lisa did a first-rate job coming up with the activities, including a customized word-search puzzle and an exhilarating scavenger hunt through the neighborhood. She even created hand-made chocolate frogs for all.

My part was that I had to dress like Dumbledore.

The birthday party was a awesome success with the exception of finding several half-eaten jelly beans spit out under various pieces of furniture. That's what happens when you hand out flavors such as vomit, earth worm, and ear wax.

Ready for the scavenger hunt.

And they're off!

A bunch of cuties lined up to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Birthday cupcakes.

Blowing out the candle.