Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Maine Event - 2015

Stella and Marni enjoyed another amazing August (and a bit of September) in Maine. In addition to the usual cast of characters, we had some new first-time visitors (Sadie, Sherri and Raine, and cousins Eileen, Harold and Sam).

The weather was wonderful and the calendar gave us an extra 5th week in September due to an extra late Labor Day.

Daddy and the girls arrive.

Stella's perfect meal... a plate of lobster claws.

Daddy, Stella and Marni at Monkey Trunks. Daddy eventually chickened out.

Happy birthday, Nana.

Fun with the Glovin/Schwartz cousins.

Ice cream with the J-Girls.

Jasmine buries Stella.

And more lobster for Stella.

Recognize anyone?

Feeding Sadie.

At Camp Ellis.

Pine Point.

My camping partner, Marni.

Sound asleep camper.

Welcome to my new best friend... The Cool Cabana.

Stellie selfie.

This was the year of Mancala.

4-square with the Hoffman cousins.

Pink Ladies and Jeff (in Perkins Cove).

Mexican dinner by the fire pit in Perkins Cove.

Ice cream with Nana and Papa.

Discussing life with Nana.

Walking on the Marginal Way.

Another high adventure with Lisa and the cousins.

Stella and Tyler.

Sherri and Raine visit.

The annual photo.

Cousins Eileen, Harold and Sam come to visit.

Two very different reactions to the Froggie ride. Boredom and joy.

Audrey and the Rosenthals arrive.
On the last day at the beach, a whole bunch of stinky seaweed showed up.

Back in Brooklyn, and sad.