Monday, September 21, 2015

European Vacation

In July, Lisa took the girls to Europe as part of her 50th birthday celebration. For part of their two-week vacation, Lisa biked in the Italian Alps. The remaining time was spent in Germany, Italy and France seeing sights and having fun.

The drama starts at JFK airport where Marni finds a lipstick display and Stella is disgusted.

Look who they bumped into when they got to Germany!
The parks in Germany are very cool.

Very cool indeed.

Birdies. Made with real bird parts.

Learning from the master (Claus).

Lunch at Mama's.

The camper.

The sleeping accommodations in the camper.

The crappy view from their hotel in the Dolomite's.

Let the hiking begin.

Lunch time snack

The hikers.

Standing in front of a lake created by flooding a town.

Skipping rocks.

Cheating at cards with Simone.

Birds of Prey show.

Polly want a cracker?

Learning to cook from Mama Discher.

Heading home with a lot more suitcases than they started with.