You've gotta love the Interweb. After putting in a search for the words Stella and Marni, what should Google pop up but a book entitled Assignment Stella Marni. Written in 1957 (the year I was born!!!), it seems to be a steamy private eye novel centered around a dangerous blond who was "murder on heels".
What an strange coincidence.
I've purchased a couple of copies of the old paperback. A nice oddity to have around. Although I don't think it will be one of the books we read to the girls each night.
From the world's cutest elf... Marni Narno!
"I'm all finished" is used in one of three ways:- To indicate she is done eating.
- To indicate she is done sleeping (she yells this down to us when she is sleeping up in our bed).
- To indicate she is all done peeing or pooping on the potty.
For probably the third year in row, the Shepard family joined everyone else in NYC and trekked to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.
The subway ride was quite exciting for the girls. We're getting very good at carrying the Phil & Ted double stroller up and down stairs with Marni in it and with Stella walking along side us!
The crowds were thick as usual at The Tree. And two seconds later, we were done.
Off to Sacks so mommy could pee. At this point Marni was getting a little bit difficult and insisted on walking through the crowds on the street and in the store on her own. After a few near misses with shoppers, she was put in the stroller which led to the most energetic meltdown of her short life. The meltdown was so traumatic (for all) that Marni fell asleep afterwards. This allowed the three civilized Shepards to share a big pretzel and walk down to the Bryant Park "village" for some sightseeing and noshing.
The little restaurant in the village was even nicer this year then in previous years. Stella and mommy and I shared hot choco, chili, corn bread and salad. Marni was still passed out.
After lunch, we watched the ice skaters for a few minutes and then headed to the subway. Marni stay asleep all the way to the station, down the steps, and onto the platform. An incoming subway train woke her and she was back in good spirits.
The subway ride home was uneventful and we got home safely. Once home, we wondered (as we do every year) "why do we do this"?
This morning NYC was covered by a light coating of dry snow.
In the Shepard tradition, it was time to take the kids for a drag around the parking lot. After WAY too much clothing was forced onto them by mom, the girls were ready to play in their urban winter wonderland.
We walked, touched snow, cleaned off some cars, took a toboggan ride, threw snow, and ate some snow.
Then Stella declared that it was freezing outside so it was time to go in.
We were back at "The Gris" in Essex, Connecticut after a 1-year hiatus.
Everyone arrived Wednesday afternoon and checked into their rooms in the Hayden House. Lunch was at The Gris. The weather was nice enough to allow everyone to take walks around town and do some shopping. Dinner was at The Black Seal.
Thanksgiving Day was exceptionally warm and everyone walked down to the water to play on the grass and look at the boats and ducks. Harold kicked around a ball with Lisa. We pretty much took over the entire Hayden House and there was a nice nosh put out to tide everyone over until turkey. Thanksgiving dinner was at 4:30. It was very nice aside from a metldown from Stella that required both of us to go back to the room to calm down.
Friday was spent in Mystic at the aquarium with Nana and Papa Hoffman and Toots and Glenn. The girls had a blast. Then a nice lunch at The Ground Round with Nana and Papa Shepard topped it all off.