The girls were watching a Looney Tunes cartoon in the car the other day. When Bugs Bunny said "eenie meenie miney moe", Marni commented to me "Daddy, the bunny is speaking Spanish".
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Coney Island

Mommy Owl Lisa couldn't join us due to the expected arrival of her new baby, Raising Mom, but that didn't stop daddy and the girls from digging out their summer attire and jumping in the minivan. By 11 am we were parking the fun-mobile right in front of Nathan's Famous.
First on the agenda was a brief visit to the beach playground. But the call of the surf was too hard to resist and the girls made a bee-line to the frigid water. Splashing, screaming, digging, and running occupied the next hour along with some snacking and some resting. Then... a walk along the sand to find sea shells. By the way, the beach at Coney Island has more glass in it than an entire skyscraper.

Now Marni has never been on the Wonder Wheel. But Stella and I have. Without Lisa around to hang out with Marni on the ground, it had to be all of us or none of us. Marni insisted she was a brave girl now. So we headed to the wheel ($18 dollars lighter).
Indeed Marni was right. She was a brave girl and giggled and screamed all the way through the ride (although I was scared shitless for them). From our vantage point high above the beach, we spied a few more rides that the girls wanted to explore.
$25 dollars later we took our 10-ride ticket to the carousel, spinning dragon ride, and choo-choo train ride. The choo-choo train ride was for kids only and Marni expanded on her newly found courage by riding it with sister Stella. Really quite a breakthrough. With our ticket expended, we headed off for some more sea shell hunting and then... the scariest attraction of the day. The public rest rooms.
By now it was past three and I felt I was pushing my luck (and feeling a little sunburn on my neck). The ice cream store was the last stop. Rainbow for Stella. Chocolate and vanilla with "sparkles" for Marni (I will get them to start saying "Jimmies" if it's the last thing I do). Half way through the ice cream the girls were feeling a chill, so we cut it short and headed to the car (their clothes were already a total loss though).
We happily gave up our prime parking space and headed home (after a stop at Lowes to pick up some flowers). The girls were bathed, fed (Italian) and asleep in their beds by 7:30. Now it's my chance to clean up the apartment after a very successful day of fun.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Not Everyone Poops... in Their Diaper

But it was a sad day at the Shepard house when we threw away the Diaper Champ and the tushy wipe warmer.
There's still a little more work to be done (such as sleeping without pull-ups), but our days of changing diapers may have come to an end.
Monday, April 20, 2009
New Features

First, please note the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. You can now leave comments for all to read (if the mood moves you). You can even post anonymously.
Second, you can now subscribe to the blog and get email updates whenever there's a new posting. Just look on the upper left side of the page for the "Subscribe Via Email" box (thanks Jessica). Those of you who are currently getting emails of the blog should sign up for this new method because the old way of doing things will soon be ending.
That's it. Now, back to the girls!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Marni's 3rd Birthday

Marni wanted a Snow White theme and we delivered with Snow White decorations, cake toppers and a special Snow White gown for the birthday girl. Even Mother Nature helped out by providing us with a beautiful, sunny and warm day. This allowed the kids to play inside and out.
Lisa cooked up a delicious feast. And Nana Beverly provided her much appreciated shrimp and cocktail sauce. Balloons by Sherri Bubbles. Mango chutney dip by Jill. Goofiness by Marni. Throughout the party, Marni continued to change into different outfits... eventually ending up naked.

And who was there? Here's the list: Nana and Papa Shepard; Nana and Papa Hoffman; Jill, Brian, Tyler, Delia Hoffman; Lisa Stefanoff; Kathy Clark; Sherri Bubbles; Laurie and Rickie; Jennifer and Isabella Perillo; Ann and Jake Stone; Carol Solomon; Steve, Christine, Emma and Fiona Sledzik.
Want to see all the photos and videos then click here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Field Trip

The trip was not scheduled to depart until about 10 or 10:30, but I decided to hang around after I dropped off Stella at school. This allowed me to get a glimpse of what happens in "morning meeting time".
MMT consisted of lots of questions, lots of statements (such as "I have a toy race car and it goes really fast.") and more than a handful of requests for the kids to sit down and stop interrupting each other. It was very cute though. Every few minutes Stella would stand up, walk over to me in the back of the room, and give me a hug. Then she would quietly go back to the meeting. At one point, she got up, cleaned up some drawing supplies, and then sat down again. That resulted in praise from Ms. Cassens for being so responsible.
I noticed that throughout the meeting a boy named Henry was eyeballing me. Curiosity finally got the best of him and he raised his hand to ask a question. "What is Stella's dad doing here?", he asked. Ms. Cassens explained that I was chaperoning the field trip. Henry's hand shot up again. "What does chaperone mean?"
Playground time followed morning meeting. Then it was time to get on the bus.
The 18 kids, two teachers, and five parent chaperones loaded onto the bus. There was much discussion about who was going to sit where. By this time I had adopted Hazel who preferred to hang out with me even though her own grandmother was one of the chaperones. I managed to convince Hazel that I needed to sit next to Stella (who would have had a heart attack if I didn't).
After several dozen stanzas of "Wheels On The Bus", we were there.
The group settled into a circle in the lobby of the museum as museum tour guide, Kristin, filled them in on what they were going to see. Stella leaned over to me and confessed that she loved Kristin (who she had met the day before during her visit to Stella's classroom).
We were then off and running (not literally) to look at three pieces. At each stop Kristin asked the kids what they saw and encouraged them to get involved with the art (short of actually touching it). She handed them samples of the material used to make the pieces. She had them draw what they were seeing. And she asked them questions about what they thought the artist was thinking.
Hazel and Stella made up my group of two kids. It was hard to tell at any given time which kid was my kid given how attached to me Hazel was.
At one point, while walking from one exhibit to the other, we passed through an area that had artwork featuring some nudity. Our pace quickened and I tried to distract. But just as we were leaving the "nude zone", Hazel opined that "Nudity is unacceptable".
By a little after noon the kids were showing signs of fatigue. Interest was waning. Time to get back on the bus... and quick!
Hazel still insisted on sitting next to me, but I had to disappoint her. That appeared to really piss her off and she refused to speak with anyone for the entire ride home. If you look at the photo above, you see that Hazel is the only kid facing the wrong way.
After a tearful goodbye (as usual) it was time for daddy to head off to work.
If you want to see all of the photos from the field trip, click here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Marni Sings Dora
Move over Judy Garland. Marni is ready to belt out some tunes. First up... the Dora theme song. Please note the sneeze in the middle of the performance. She's such a professional that she keeps on keeping on.
Monday, April 13, 2009

Everyone attending was responsible for bringing food. We did the the appetizers. The Stefanoff family provided lots and lots of delicious food.
Stella and Marni had a great time playing with Lisa's boyfriend Ron's 4 girls. Stella is particularly fond of Jasmin.
The high point of the day was the Easter egg hunt. Lisa did a great job setting it up and Ron's girls did a great job helping the little kids find their treasures.
The day came to and end around 8:30 with our girls in their PJs. We were home by 10 and the girls were transferred into their beds without a peep.
The Circus

Stella and Marni absolutely loved it! Marni watched wide-eyed and clapped wildly while munching her popcorn. Stella was mesmerized. Flying trapeze artists, galloping horses, and crazy loud music kept them riveted.
After the performance we joined up with my old friend Jeff Samet and his family for a delicious lunch. The kids played. The parents drank. All was good.
The Hoffmans
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