After a year or two of complaining, Stella finally seems to be enjoying her trips to the pool. This past weekend she was proud to show me and my parents what she's been learning at her swimming lessons.
How shocked was I when water-shy Stellie assumed the "dead man float" position and plunged her head into the water for, what seemed, an eternity.
Great job Stellie!
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After several weeks of wibbling and wobbling, Stella's third baby tooth ejected itself last Wednesday. Stella was understandably excited and relieved when tooth #3 departed as it was really cramping her eating style.
This tooth fell out while Stella was eating some pasta at Beansprouts. She felt something rattling around in her mouth and thought it was a piece of uncooked rice.
Luckily (unlike tooth #2) this tooth was recovered and went under her pillow for a cash transaction. And the tooth fairy did not disappoint.