This is our fifth year with a kid (or kids) performing in this event (Click here for a retrospective). It's started with a super-shy Stella in 2009. Then Marni joined the club in 2011. Now Stella is retired (they only participate in this until the 2nd grade), but Marni continues the tradition.
The dance festival is supposed to take place on 6th Avenue in front of the school. But bad weather can push it into the school's crowded gym (as has happened a few times over the past 5 years).
Monday's festivities started outside but had to be moved into the gym for the 1st and 2nd grade performances when the rains started.
The Shepard, Stefanoff/Imhoff, and Asanovic families (plus Steve Cherches) got together again at Rye Playland last Sunday for our annual summer fun-fest.
Five hours of rides and food were followed by a relaxing dinner at the Pier Restaurant Tiki Bar.
Jenna and Stella buddied up on a lot of rides because Marni just couldn't make the 48" restriction.
I think Stella was a little jealous of all the attention Marni got at her dance recital last year.
Stella had been pretty dead set against dance lessons until the recital. But soon after Marni's recital, Stella announced that she wanted to dance again.
So be it.
Flash forward a year and Stella is performing right along side of Marni in the 2013 Creative Arts Studio "Color Me CAS Spring Showcase".
The girls performed together in a tap routine, and Marni danced with her class in a hip-hop routine.
Right up to the last minute I thought there was no better than a 50/50 chance that Stella would make it onto the stage. She can get nervous sometimes. But old pro Marni kept her sister calm and Stella did a fantastic job! (So did Marni.)
Later in the performance Marni did another great job in her hip-hop routine.
And then Marni announced that she was hanging up her tap and hip-hop shoes in order to concentrate on ballet next year.
I'm sure that wherever Marni goes, Stella will soon follow.
Getting ready to perform.
The final bow. Marni in the middle. Stella far right.
Like the swallows returning to Capistrano or the salmon who must swim upstream in order to mate, the Shepards are bound by the forces of nature to return to Old Orchard Beach every Memorial Day.
Our journey north began Friday night with a tedious trip to Natick.
The next morning we continued to Maine through a steady rain, eventually reaching The Cottage in time for daddy's favorite meal at Ken's. Later in the afternoon Karen, Glenn and the hounds joined us, and the festivities began.
"Festivities" mostly consisted of us staring at each other on a bleak and rainy day.
On Sunday the weather cleared up enough for the kids to venture out on their bikes. After a stroll on the beach we headed to Palace Playland to pick up the girls' first-ever all season passes. And then we turned them loose on the rides for a while.
Later we went to see the movie "Epic" and then had dinner at "Wilbur's" (aka Famous Dave's).
Monday was gorgeous and we spent the morning on the beach in bathing suits just as if it were August. Lunch at Surf 6 was followed by more rides at Palace Playland and then dinner at Ken's with Cousin Janet.
On Tuesday morning we packed up our belonging and started on our 8 hour trek back to Brooklyn. (We really need to buy a helicopter.)
All in all it was a wicked awesome weekend! We pretty much packed an entire month's worth of activities into a few days, and whet our appetite for our real Maine adventure in August.
For Marni's 7th birthday we got her some creepy crawly bugs.
After all, it was only fair. Stella got butterflies for her 8th birthday. And not wanting to be left out, Marni requested ladybugs.
The baby bugs showed up via UPS along with their cute-as-a-bug habitat. We fed them and watched them grow bigger and juicier every day. Within a couple of weeks the larva all curled up into pupae and, when they emerged, were actual ladybugs.
It was interesting to watch the ladybugs emerge. At first, they had no spots. They were just a pale yellow/orange. But, within an hour all the spots would appear. Who knew?
We were all very excited about our 10 new family members. We fed them grapes and water and watched them scamper around their house.
This is a ladybug larva.
After about a week we (and by "we" I mean not Marni) decided it was time to let them go free and enjoy the great outdoors.
One evening we took them to the park across the street and opened their house. Slowly they began to explore their new freedom. Stella and Marni helped several of the shy ones by taking them out of the house and letting them crawl on their arms.
Eventually all the ladybugs flew off into the nearby flowers, and a somber Marni waved goodbye to her little babies.