Thursday, August 30, 2007

Stella Leaves Home

A couple of weeks ago my parents mentioned that they wanted to pick up Stella at The Cottage on the last Thursday of August and bring her back to their house for a couple of days. Lisa, Marni and I would pick her up after we closed The Cottage on Saturday.

We weren't sure if she would go for it. She loves Nana and Papa, but she's never been away from us for an extended time. A few days later we asked Stella if she would like to do this. She seemed to be excited about it and said yes.

As the fateful Thursday approached, we asked Stella a few more times to make sure she understood the plan. She still said yes.

Last night Stella excitedly helped Lisa pack her things. Clothes. PJs. Books. Bear. Toothbrush. Before she went to sleep, she reminded Lisa not to forget to move her car seat into Nana and Papa's car.

This morning my parents showed up at The Cottage. Stella was still psyched. By mid afternoon she was ready to go (well before my parents were ready). She even offered to sit in their car and wait.

The car ride home was uneventful. Stella slept part of the way. When she got to Natick, she immediately got into the swing of things and pulled out all of her toys. Tonight they go out for spaghetti.

She's going to have a blast!