We've had jailbreaks before. For the past 2-plus years, Stella has been getting up in the middle of the night (not every night) and calling for me to come down and bring her up to sleep in our bed. But last weekend's jailbreak was unique.
It was about 6 a.m. and still dark outside. We were all asleep.
I heard the bedroom door open downstairs. Not unusual. But then the door closed again. Did someone peek out and realize that it was still night time? Weird. So I went back to sleep. A moment later I thought I heard some rustling downstairs. And then more.
"Lisa, I think one of the animals has escaped."
We continued to listen as more little sounds came from the blackness downstairs. Then, footsteps coming up the stairs. What the what!
We peered through the darkness as a little form appeared. To our surprise, it was a mop-topped form. Little Marni had broken out of jail, left her sister behind, and ventured upstairs to sleep with mom and dad. Or play.
She hung out in bed with us for another 30-45 minutes and then went to play quietly in the walk-in closet.
So Marni has gone where no Shepard girl has gone before. Upstairs, without waiting for permission. To this date Stella still does not come up on her own. But is anyone really surprised that it would be Marni to push the envelope?