Saturday, November 14, 2009

Born Free

Last June America fell in love with the story of a little Brooklyn girl and her two pet snails. Rescued from the wild, the two snails soon learned to live amongst people and became domesticated.

The two snails (whose names changed on an almost daily basis) went with us everywhere. To Natick. To Albany. To Old Orchard Beach. They became a part of our family.

Eventually, Stella agreed with daddy that the snails missed their real families and should be set free.

So today the snails bid our fair family ado. We took them to Prospect Park (after a brief visit to temple this morning). There, we said our goodbyes. We placed the snails on nice damp leaves in a wooded area that we know well. The snails immediately started to move towards freedom. Stella and Marni were happy.

As the snails slithered deeper into the leaves, they turned back towards us and roared a little farewell. And then, they were gone.

Perhaps next spring we will visit this part of the park in search of the snails. If we see them, will they still remember us? Will they come up to us, without fear? And maybe, just maybe, they will let us see their new pride of baby snails.

"Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free"