Their breathing was getting deeper and slower as they slipped away into dreamland.
Playing quietly in the dark was Christmas music from the radio. A song came on that I had never heard before. It was released by Kenny Loggins in 1976 and has become famous in its own right. But I had never heard "Celebrate Me Home" before. I'm no fan of mellow Kenny (with the exception of maybe "Danger Zone"), but this song was really nice.
I listened to it as my two precious girls slept on either side of me. And then, without fanfare or ceremony, it became one of those songs that you associate forever with a special time and place.
So now "Celebrate Me Home" is my magical Christmas lullaby song. And every time I hear it, it will remind me of my two most wonderful gifts... Stella and Marni, as they slumber peacefully on a cold winter's night.
Click here to hear for yourself.