Lately, she's been joining Stella in middle-of-the-night escapes from their bedroom. Instead of one kid and two adults in our queen-size bed, there are now two kids and two adults. This just doesn't work. And someone (daddy) ends up sleeping on the sofa downstairs.
Enter the blue AeroBed. Originally purchased in 2006 upon Marni's arrival, the air-filled bed has never been pressed into duty. Until now.
Earlier this week I unpacked and blew up the bed in anticipation of an overflow crowd that night. Indeed, the nightly migration took place right on schedule, but this time the girls were confronted with a new option.
The blue AeroBed greeted them at the foot of our regular bed. After a short revolt, the girls quickly accepted their new upstairs sleeping accommodations and fell fast asleep next to each other. And so it has been every night this week.
The future is murky. Of course we are breaking every rule of child rearing by letting the girls sleep in our room. But it's pretty cute having a couple of sweet girls sleeping at the foot of our bed like a pair of pooches.