Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Break(down)

My bad. I've just about missed the entire month of February. My excuse? I've been a little busy with the move of my office from Wall Street to Madison Avenue. Well now the move is over (It went fairly well. Thanks for asking) and I can get back to being a daddy blogger.

"Move week" was also "February Break" for the girls.

Stella and Marni started their vacation week at Nana Bev and Papa Art's house. I brought them up on Saturday and left them there Sunday as I headed back to NYC to get started on "move week". While up in Natick, Stella was given painting lessons by Papa Art and both girls played a lot in the snow. Papa Art even dared to take the girls to a movie all by his self when Nana Bev was feeling a bit under the weather.

Needless to say, they had a great time. Job well done Nana and Papa!

On Thursday night Lisa headed up to Natick to join the girls and bring them over to Albany for the remainder of the vacation.

Late Sunday afternoon all three girls stopped by my new office to check it out and pick up their exhausted daddy.