The festivities kicked off with the Procession as each Kindergartner walked down the aisle to their seat. Stella was all smiles. Then some welcomes, the Pledge of Allegiance, some fantastic song performances and then the Presentation of Diplomas.
Once again, Stellie was engaged and having fun. There's a big change in this girl this year. She even told me so later that night.
"Daddy, last year I was scared and shy. This year I'm not. It's amazing!"
Insert here the discussion of how fast the year went. How quickly Stella is growing up. Where did the time go? What a great kid she is. Yadda yadda yadda.
But it's true.
Wasn't it just yesterday that we were fretting over how Stella would do in Kindergarten?
Now I only have one or two more chances to walk my girl to Kindergarten and hang out with her and the other parents and kids in the school yard. I really enjoy the morning school ritual. And summer vacation always seems to strip it away from me.
Oh well.
Next year we start all over again. This time with Marni. Another milestone. Two girls going to the same school! And a year from now I'll be carrying on about how wonderful and fast the year has passed. And so on, and so on...
The Procession:
What Kindergarten Means:
(This post contains video that can only be viewed from the website.)