Recently I have noticed that the older female, Stella, has been acting in a very peculiar fashion.
For no obvious reason she suddenly gets very affectionate, comes over and hugs me, and tells me she loves me. Now that's very nice and all and I really appreciate it, but I haven't been able to figure out why it comes and goes.
Until today.
This morning was a little more frantic than usual as I rushed around trying to get the girls ready for camp. Lisa had left for work already and I was behind schedule.
I don't like to be behind schedule.
I run my mornings with military precision. But today I was not on my game. I hadn't even showered and gotten dressed, and departure time was fast approaching.
Things were getting tense as I implored the girls to put on their shoes and socks. I was clearly getting frazzled while trying to shove Marni's water bottle into her already overflowing backpack. And that's when it happened.
Stella saw how tense I was getting and came over to me. "Daddy, I love you". She gave me a big hug and clung to me.
It finally began to compute.
Stella is sensing when I'm stressed or unhappy and she's trying to tell me that it's ok. And she's doing a pretty good job of it.
So now Stella is beginning to take care of daddy.
How does that make me feel?
Out of this world of course.