Monday, January 24, 2011

Tickle-Me Shepard

Tickle-Me Elmo has been hanging around the house for a couple of years now. He was popular for a while just after we bought him. But he's spent most of his life languishing, batteries dead, on a high shelf somewhere.

For some reason, he caught Marni's eye a week ago. And so I brought him down off his shelf, dusted him off, gave him fresh batteries, and handed him over to the kids.

It was like Hanukkah all over again. He fascinated Stella, frightened Marni, and entertained both... all over again.

Then Stella got it into her head that she wanted to imitate Elmo's cool moves. And so she and Marni did. Stella did an exceptional job of capturing Elmo's subtle movements.

Enjoy the video...