Saturday, February 5, 2011

Top of the Pops

For whatever reason, I've always had a fondness in my heart for little girls singing along to pop tunes on the radio. So, when Stella was finally bitten by the pop-bug late last year, I was thrilled.

It started in the car. If I had a top-40 station on the radio, I began to hear faint voices signing along to the songs. Even though many of the words were wrong, it was still adorable.  Stella started first, and (as always) Marni picked it up a short time later.

Where they originally heard the pop songs, I am not sure. We rarely listened to top-40 in the car. But there's no stopping it now.

The words are still wrong.
The pitch is way off.
But I love it!

(This post contains video that is only viewable from the website.)