Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of School: 2011

I must say that there seemed to be a lot less drama about the first day of school this year as compared to some previous years.

Not that there have been a lot of previous years.

The process started weeks ago with the procurement of appropriate lunch boxes, backpacks, and footwear.

Last night the girls had their last meal at the "ribs restaurant" and then headed home to pick out their outfits for tomorrow (Marni changed her mind a couple of times).

This morning we got back into the usual routine of Daddy the Drill Sargent keeping the girls on track for an on time departure.

Luckily, the monsoons that we had been experiencing for the past two days cleared up just before departure time and the sun actually poked out from behind the clouds.

We left plenty of time for photo ops and then headed for school.

I was glad to see that the school wasn't scared off by the rain and opted for outside drop-off. This gave us a chance to reunite with long-lost parents and kids while waiting to go in.

I hung out with Stella, who was thrilled to see who her teacher was (Ms. Calhoun). Lisa went to the Kindergarten line with Marni.

At 8:20, the 2nd grade headed into the building. All Stella needed was a high five, and she was off.

I then joined Lisa and Marni in Kindergarten and hung out for a while as Marni drew and we reconnected with parents from Pre-K.

I left about 15 minutes later with no protest from Marni. A little while later Lisa texted me that she had left with no tears from Marni.

All in all, a good start.

And away we go!