Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The 2011 PS39 Winter Concert

Backstage with the superstars.
The buzz started a couple of months ago.

"I want to be in the Winter Concert! I want to be in the Winter Concert!"

It appeared that my chicken-shit kids were finally ready to perform on stage.

I would believe it when I saw it.

After a few weeks, notices began to show up from school outlining the rehearsal schedule and various other logistical items for the annual performance.

I half expected one or both of them to drop out as rehearsals progressed. But they didn't. They actually seemed to be enjoying it.

More details of the performance filtered out to us...

  • They would be performing in their pajamas. Cute.
  • Marni would be standing front and center. Huh?

And before you knew it, it was time for dress rehearsal on the actual stage. Lisa attended the rehearsal as a chaperon and sent me a video showing Marni up on stage, doing her thing.

Hmmm... this thing might be pretty interesting.

The performance was scheduled for 6:30 on December 20th. I showed up at 6:15 and visited the girls in the cafeteria where "the talent" was being prepped. Absolute bedlam with 170 hyper kids. Stella and Marni were raring to go.

I moved to the auditorium and situated myself in a good location for videotaping.

Moments later, the stage began to fill up with kids. Stella was nowhere to be seen. Too short to be seen from her position in the second row. But little Marni was in her spot... front and center. Right in front of music teacher, Mr. Trust.

The crowd hushed, the music swelled, and the performance began.

I'm sure Stella was probably awesome. But no one could see her.

On the other hand, Marni could be seen... and she was totally awesome!

She had every move down and was selling it like no one else on stage. I was amazed. Her enthusiasm never flagged through the eight songs.

So proud.

Afterwards, every parent that knew me or Marni came over and complimented her on her amazing performance. Marni just glowed with all the attention.

Marni's kindergarten teacher, Ms. Imperiale, bragged to all the other teachers at the performance that the little firecracker in the front row was from her class!

The next morning Marni was a minor celebrity in the schoolyard as parents came over to tell her what an amazing dancer she was.

So now I'm thinking we may just have something here. Time to think about how to nurture this talent.

Watch out world... superstar Marni is coming your way!

PS... You can catch a glimpse of Stella in the last video (Jingle Bells). She's in front of Marni.

This post contains videos that are only viewable from the website. So go there!