Monday, April 9, 2012

Marni's Latest Conquest

Just about six years ago, Marni had the doctors at NYU Medical Center rushing into the delivery room because she was in a hurry to be born.

Fast forward to April 7, 2012.

After watching big sister Stella ride around on her two-wheel bike in the park across the street, Marni decided it was time for her to try biking without training wheels. So she asked me to help her take a spin on Stella's bike.

She did a couple of laps with me holding onto her shoulders, and then I asked if it was okay to let go. She said yes, and away she went.

Marni successfully rode to the end of the handball court before coming to a bumpy, but safe, stop.

Immediately she demanded I go home to get a screwdriver and remove the training wheels on her own bike.

A few minutes later I returned with the necessary tool and took off Marni's training wheels. She mounted up. I gave her a push. And Marni graduated to the world of big-kid biking.

We visited the playground three times that day, and once the next day so Marni could practice her biking. Within 24 hours, Marni had become a seasoned bicyclist.

To put things into perspective, it took Stella a month to learn how to ride without training wheels. It took her until just a few weeks ago for her to figure out how to start without a push. Marni did it in less than an hour.

Marni is in a big hurry.