Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stella Graduates

This past Thursday the Kleenex factories in New York City were working overtime manufacturing tissues for all the weeping parents, teachers, and students attending the PS 39 5th grade commencement ceremony. And my little Stellie was one of the graduates!

Just for some historical perspective, this was the 138th annual commencement ceremony for PS 39 (it's a pretty old school).

Lisa, Marni and I got great front-row seats for the hour-long event, which started with a very cool and very entertaining processional.

Emotions ran high and pretty soon we were handing out tissues to some of the weepy graduates (and to each other). Even Stella succumb by the end of the ceremony.

When it was over we met in the school yard for more tears, hugs, and photo ops.

And, in the blink of an eye, 7 years of schooling at PS 39 is over for Stella.

It sure was a blast.

On the school steps before commencement.

Stella's class

Stella's friends.

My beauty.

More beauty.
Receiving her diploma from principal DePaz.

After the commencement.
Stella's kindergarten graduation and 5th grade graduation.