Monday, July 21, 2008

Overheard #6 (Marni)

Last night I had to pry Marni away from her drawing in order to put her to bed. Of course, crying ensued.

Once she quieted down in the rocking chair, I started to read her a Clifford book. After I couple of pages I heard her mumble something. Then she repeated it... "It's not fair". Not believing what I was hearing, I asked her to repeat herself. "It's not fair" she said.

"What's not fair?" I asked.

"I want to draw" she replied.

We've never heard the "it's not fair" concept before. Not even from Stella. Not even from Lisa! So this was a bit mind-blowing.

Marni repeated the "it's not fair" line a few more times that night and again this morning when Lisa asked her about it. It just goes to show you how these kids are sponges and they pick up things not only from in the home, but from school too.