A lot of traffic and a healthy amount of stops contributed to a 10-hour trip. Many of the stops involved me pulling over to make sure that our bikes were still attached to the back of the car. The girls did great throughout the whole trip. Since Nana and Papa Shepard were still winging their way back from Russia, the visit in Natick was a short one. Just long enough to grab some lunch, change a diaper, and stretch our legs. At 8 pm we pulled up to the cottage and began the unloading process.
The first thing we did was eat the pizza and pasta that we picked up from the nearby strip mall while picking up some essential groceries. After dinner the beds were made and Stella got a first look at her beautiful princess bed linens that mom bought for her. She loved them. The girls finally got to sleep somewhere between 10 and 11.
Unfortunately, August 2008 has got to be one of the wettest Augusts in the history of Maine. There was no beach day the first weekend (there would be very few beach days for the next two weeks). Nana and Papa Shepard showed up Saturday and stayed until Sunday. Nana and Papa Hoffman arrived Sunday to stay the week. Cousin Marcy and baby Hannah also arrived Sunday for a few days. Sadly, I had to fly back to NYC on Monday morning. Although I missed the rain. I also missed the girls.