Sunday, August 1, 2010

Poof. Done.

At the expense of repeating myself... where did the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was blogging about the trials and tribulations of dropping the girls off at summer camp?

Well, somehow it's all over. Poof. Done. Five weeks of matching t-shirts, summertime adventures, and marching songs.

I debriefed the girls in the tub Thursday on their final thoughts about Park Slope Day Camp. They're not big talkers, when you want them to be. Overall impression... good. It was fun. Now can we stop talking about this daddy and let us play with the squirt bottles?

When I told the girls (as I teared up) I was sad that we wouldn't have our morning routine of walking to camp together, Stella reassured me. "That's ok daddy, you can still walk us to school every day when summer is over."