Friday, June 17, 2011

State of Their Art - June 2011

The annual PS 39 Art Fair was last night.

That's the event the PTA throws where they get your kid to paint or draw something and then sell it back to you. As if you don't have a more than ample supply of their precious treasures already.

Ok. Ok. Yes, it's all for a good cause and it's a lot of fun to walk around the gym and see all the artwork that the kids have come up with.

Actually, it's a good way to compare how you kids' artwork stacks up against the others. To make sure your kids aren't losers.

Ok. Ok. It's all about the fun!

Unfortunately (or, "as it turns out" as Apple would say), the girls and Lisa couldn't actually make it to the Art Fair last night, so it was daddy's responsibility to deal with the extortion event.

Ok! Ok! It raises money for the school!

It was a lot of fun to walk around and see what the different classes are up to. (Each grade paints on the same theme). There was a spectacular painting done by a 2nd grader that I wanted to purchase for myself. (Which brings up the interesting question... can you purchase another kid's art?). I liked what the 3rd grade was up to, but not so much the 4th grade. The 5th grade stuff was pretty good. The Kindergarten theme was adorable.

I also tried to pick out the artwork that each of my kids did from all the others in the class. That never works.

First I found Stella's painting. She did a really great job (if I do say so myself).

Then I searched around for Marni's. Her teacher told me that she spent a lot of time on it and was very particular about every detail. When I heard that she spent a lot of time on it, I began to worry. That usually means that she has taken the time to mix every color together with the end result being that the artwork looks like mud. But I was very pleasantly surprised. I like it! Although I may take it to child psychiatrist to have them evaluate it.

So now, off to find a hammer and nails and a very special spot in the house for our latest masterpieces. Watch out Papa Art!

Marni's masterpiece

Stella's masterpiece