Friday, June 24, 2011


Stella's teeth are fleeing her mouth like rats on a sinking ship. How's that for a tasty metaphor?

For the past couple of weeks there have been three squatter teeth that have refused to vacate her premises. They were so loose that every time she would open her mouth, they would be pointing in totally new and individually different directions.

It was creeping me out!

Stella's front tooth finally gave it up yesterday at school (prompting yet another visit to the school nurse by one of the Shepard kids... 4 out of 4 days so far).

That was tooth 5.

Tooth 6 decided that it couldn't live without its wobbly friend, and later that day at Beansprouts committed suicide by bagel. Sadly, the tooth went the way of the bagel bite and was swallowed.

This has left a rather prominent and not entirely attractive configuration of teeth in this poor girl's mouth. The lone tooth looks like a holdout building refusing to be razed in an urban renewal project.

Stella had an initial fear that the tooth fairy would not compensate her for the missing tooth. But we assured her that the tooth fairy is all knowing and very trusting and that she would receive adequate compensation. And true to form, the tooth fairy laid a nice Hamilton on Stellie.

Now, off to the supermarket to buy some corn on the cob, apples, and caramel candy. Tooth number 7... I'm comin' for ya!