Sunday, May 31, 2009
Overheard #17
Marni was doing something this morning that pissed off Stella. Stella's response was "Marni, you're ruining my life!".
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day 2009

We met up with Nana and Papa at Joan & Ed's Deli for lunch and then dropped off the littlest Shepards (Marni and the snail) at my parents' house so we could take Stella to the bike store for her birthday present.
The bike store where I bought my first bike as a child has changed a bit over the past 35 years. It got a lot fancier and a lot more expensive (or so it seems). Stella's bike at this store was going for about $200. That would have been about $39 in 1972 money. But $200 for a 5 year old's bike is too much. So over to Walmart so that we could help destroy America.

Stella immediately took to the bike and rode up and down Possum Hollow Lane with glee. Marni, not so much.
As dinner time approached, Lisa and I snuck out the back door and head to The Natick Collection for some shopping at Nordstrom. I bought stuff for the kids and Lisa bought stuff for Lisa. Then... off to see the new Star Trek movie.
The next day we packed up the family (snail included) and headed up to Old Orchard to open the cottage. The weather was dreary and cold as we cleaned and installed screens, moved furniture, and swept the place clean. Lunch was at our favorite fried seafood joint, Ken's Place.
When we returned to the cottage, the weather turned warm and sunny and the girls broke out the bikes and rode around the neighborhood. When they tired of biking, they stripped down to t-shirts and underwear and played on the beach.
Our next stop was Karen and Glenn's house in Salem for dinner. It's always an adventure when you mix our two girls with their two dogs. But no one was hurt and dinner was delicious.
Sunday morning included biking, hiking in the woods, and swinging on Nana and Papa's swings. Marni continued to ask about the big animal that lived in my parents' backyard. The "woodchucker" (as Marni called it) didn't make an appearance for her, but she'll be back next month to watch for him again.
Luckily the holiday traffic wasn't bad and we ate, peed, and pooped our way back to Brooklyn in good time.
By 8 o'clock the girls and the snail were tucked in their beds and another fun Memorial Day weekend was fodder for my blog.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Snail Update
Guess who came home yesterday in her Chinese food house? Stefan Rose (Stella has dropped the Hannah portion of the name).
So I did a little research on snails. Did you know they can live up to 5 years?
Since Stefan has come home to stay, I decided to get her a real house. We picked up a plastic house at the pet store and transferred Stefan over.
Now lets see what happens.
So I did a little research on snails. Did you know they can live up to 5 years?
Since Stefan has come home to stay, I decided to get her a real house. We picked up a plastic house at the pet store and transferred Stefan over.
Now lets see what happens.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Stella's First Pet

Yesterday Stella found a snail shell on the sidewalk while going to dance class. She carried it with her to class, showed it to the kids, put it in her pocket, and did various things with the shell all afternoon. Later in the evening she came running up to me all excited.
"The snail is still in there! He's coming out!" she exclaimed. She handed me the shell and, I'll be damned, there was a living snail in there. This poor snail was being abused all afternoon because everyone thought the shell was empty.
Stella told me to put the snail in a tank. But I explained to her that we didn't have a tank (aquarium) like they did in school. I told her I would put the snail in one of our plants on the patio, but she was having none of that. Eventually, the snail ended up in a Chinese food container along with some lettuce and water. Stella was happy. Tomorrow she would take her snail (now named Hannah Stefan Rose) to school.

Stella carried her snail all the way to school and showed her off to all the kids in class. She was very happy to bid me farewell at the goodbye window while holding Hannah. Later today, I hope they put Hannah in with the other snails in the Pre-K tank.
I'm not sure if Stella will put up with this though. I half expect her to come home with Hannah in her Chinese food container house.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Stella's 5th

Why two parties you ask? Because another classmate of Stella's had her party the same day at 1 p.m. So we, being the team players that we are, offered to move the P.S. 39 portion of the party to 11 a.m. to avoid any conflict.
And speaking of conflict, this year's party was primarily planned by yours truly because Lisa had to attend a bridal shower in Boston the day before Stella's festivities. So daddy took over the planning and made maximum use of outsourcing! Pizza for party number 1 and Chinese food for party number 2. Plus, I outsourced child care and party set-up to Nana Bev and Papa Art who came down a day early to lend a hand.
Party 1 guests included Mara, Marley, Hazel, Uma, and Livvy from P.S. 39, and Julia from next door. Stella was in her element and required no warm-up time with her school friends. She even started the party by introducing Mara to her grandmother.

The final game was a fishing game supplied by Nana and Papa. All the girls lined up on chairs and tried to "catch" green and purple fish.
Pizza was deliverd right on time and everyone then moved back to the repurposed diningroom table for lunch.
The girls reached a frenzied pitch when the cake was brough out. After an energetic redition of "Happy Birthday To You" (led by Hazel), the candles were blown out and the cake was cut. Everyone wanted pieces with pink and blue writing, so I had to cut everyone a piece from the middle of the cake.
The girls then assembled into a circle and assisted Stella in ripping open every one of their presents.

The Chinese food arrived just in time for the crowd.
Papa Art busied himself in the girls' room putting together Stella's new dollhouse (which Marni then spent hours playing with). A little later on Stella dolled herself up with jewelry from Salty.
After a second birthday cake (ice cream), the crowds began to head home. The house was in shambles. The kids were exhausted. But Stella had two great 5th birthday parties. And that's all that counts.
Click here for more pictures and video from the party.
Saturday, May 16, 2009

We had put the girls' crib up for sale. It was time for Marni to move into her big-girl bed. A friend of our housekeeper wanted to buy it and they came over today at 5. Within 15 minutes the crib was taken apart and was out on the street.
Marni and Stella were at the playground at the time with my parents so Marni never saw her bed disappear. And I wasn't sure how she was going to react.
I quickly leapt into action and started to put together her big-girl bed to fill the void. Marni came home before I was done. She wasn't upset. She was thrilled that she was getting her new bed and stayed in the room to watch me put it all together.

So, after five years, we have no more crib in our house. The crib that our two little girls grew up in is gone. If I had my way, we would have stored the crib for the next 30 years so that we could pass it on to our grandkids. But who, in the year 2039, will want an old wooden crib when everyone else on the block has the latest Internet-enabled virtual holographic levitation birth pod?
But for now, we carry on with two kids in two big-girl beds. And later, when I have time, I will be sad.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Life at 100%

As I watched Stella play with Tyler, Delia and Marni, I marveled at how amazing she can be when she's living life at 100%.
100% doesn't always happen with Stella. The shyness thing often gets in the way. But with the cousins, Stella is always at 100%.
The kids immediately headed for Tyler's green battery-powered jeep. Unlike other times, there was no fighting over who was going to drive. Everyone shared. Stella was laughing and screeching with joy as they drove around the yard. And very unlike other times, Marni was finally old enough to take the wheel and drive.
This was a far cry from the past when Marni had to settle for being the passenger (see the post in November 2007). Now she takes her sister and cousin Tyler for a spin around the house. Laughing and screaming all the way.

A couple of times during the afternoon we noticed that the kids had disappeared altogether. After hurriedly searching the house, we found them all playing in the front yard and driveway... with no supervision. Maybe this doesn't mean much to parents of older kids, but this was a big deal for us. We never let the kids play outside without keeping an eye on them.
But they were living life at 100%. Unsupervised. Uninhibited. And loving every minute of it. I stood back and watched in awe as my two little girls did their thing. On their own and on their own terms.
They are amazing kids.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Hip Hop As A Second Language

Flo Rida's "Right Round" was playing. When it finished, Stella asked "what language is that?".
My kid is so not cool.
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