We had put the girls' crib up for sale. It was time for Marni to move into her big-girl bed. A friend of our housekeeper wanted to buy it and they came over today at 5. Within 15 minutes the crib was taken apart and was out on the street.
Marni and Stella were at the playground at the time with my parents so Marni never saw her bed disappear. And I wasn't sure how she was going to react.
I quickly leapt into action and started to put together her big-girl bed to fill the void. Marni came home before I was done. She wasn't upset. She was thrilled that she was getting her new bed and stayed in the room to watch me put it all together.

So, after five years, we have no more crib in our house. The crib that our two little girls grew up in is gone. If I had my way, we would have stored the crib for the next 30 years so that we could pass it on to our grandkids. But who, in the year 2039, will want an old wooden crib when everyone else on the block has the latest Internet-enabled virtual holographic levitation birth pod?
But for now, we carry on with two kids in two big-girl beds. And later, when I have time, I will be sad.