Yesterday Stella found a snail shell on the sidewalk while going to dance class. She carried it with her to class, showed it to the kids, put it in her pocket, and did various things with the shell all afternoon. Later in the evening she came running up to me all excited.
"The snail is still in there! He's coming out!" she exclaimed. She handed me the shell and, I'll be damned, there was a living snail in there. This poor snail was being abused all afternoon because everyone thought the shell was empty.
Stella told me to put the snail in a tank. But I explained to her that we didn't have a tank (aquarium) like they did in school. I told her I would put the snail in one of our plants on the patio, but she was having none of that. Eventually, the snail ended up in a Chinese food container along with some lettuce and water. Stella was happy. Tomorrow she would take her snail (now named Hannah Stefan Rose) to school.

Stella carried her snail all the way to school and showed her off to all the kids in class. She was very happy to bid me farewell at the goodbye window while holding Hannah. Later today, I hope they put Hannah in with the other snails in the Pre-K tank.
I'm not sure if Stella will put up with this though. I half expect her to come home with Hannah in her Chinese food container house.