Why two parties you ask? Because another classmate of Stella's had her party the same day at 1 p.m. So we, being the team players that we are, offered to move the P.S. 39 portion of the party to 11 a.m. to avoid any conflict.
And speaking of conflict, this year's party was primarily planned by yours truly because Lisa had to attend a bridal shower in Boston the day before Stella's festivities. So daddy took over the planning and made maximum use of outsourcing! Pizza for party number 1 and Chinese food for party number 2. Plus, I outsourced child care and party set-up to Nana Bev and Papa Art who came down a day early to lend a hand.
Party 1 guests included Mara, Marley, Hazel, Uma, and Livvy from P.S. 39, and Julia from next door. Stella was in her element and required no warm-up time with her school friends. She even started the party by introducing Mara to her grandmother.

The final game was a fishing game supplied by Nana and Papa. All the girls lined up on chairs and tried to "catch" green and purple fish.
Pizza was deliverd right on time and everyone then moved back to the repurposed diningroom table for lunch.
The girls reached a frenzied pitch when the cake was brough out. After an energetic redition of "Happy Birthday To You" (led by Hazel), the candles were blown out and the cake was cut. Everyone wanted pieces with pink and blue writing, so I had to cut everyone a piece from the middle of the cake.
The girls then assembled into a circle and assisted Stella in ripping open every one of their presents.

The Chinese food arrived just in time for the crowd.
Papa Art busied himself in the girls' room putting together Stella's new dollhouse (which Marni then spent hours playing with). A little later on Stella dolled herself up with jewelry from Salty.
After a second birthday cake (ice cream), the crowds began to head home. The house was in shambles. The kids were exhausted. But Stella had two great 5th birthday parties. And that's all that counts.
Click here for more pictures and video from the party.