Although she missed the festivities due to a fever and tummy ache, Stella, nonetheless, got her diploma yesterday upon returning to school.
I am (all at the same time):
Proud beyond words.
Shocked that the year passed so quickly.
Thankful to her wonderful teachers Miss Cassens and Miss Henry who helped Stella grow so much.
Sad that Pre-K is all over for her (and me).
Amazed at how great her classmates are.
Today is her last day. A half day. I have lost my grip and will probably let Lisa take her. No need for the kids to ask, "why is Stella's dad crying?".
On June 8th P.S. 39 presented its annual dance festival. Unfortunately, the weather didn't participate and the event (which usually closes off 6th Avenue) was moved into Camp Friendship.
Stella doesn't have a stellar record of performing in performances. Usually she will sit it out on the sidelines. As she explains it to us, she will perform when "her brain is ready". Ok.
But this year, Miss Kelly and Miss Cassens finally solved the problem that has stumped so many teachers before them. They devised a special "solo" for Stella to perform that got her brain's seal of approval.
We didn't know the details of the performance ahead of time, but I knew it had something to do with a balloon because I helped her carry it to Camp Friendship in a shopping bag.
Lisa and I and some of the other parents from Pre-K 108 took our seats on the floor and awaited the magic. Pomp, circumstance, Pre-K 105, and then it was time for Ms. Cassens' class to do their thing. While the rest of the class performed, Stella sat on the sidelines with her balloon. What was she going to do with it we wondered?
The performance by her classmates was spectacular.
Hafway through the dance, Stella got up and did her thing. Her performance piece was to keep the white balloon (which represented the moon) up in the air. And what a job she did! In front of the whole auditorium! Even while still holding the shopping bag under her arm.
It was so great to see her finally participate in a performance. Kudos again to Miss Kelly and Miss Cassens for listening to Stella and creating a very special part for her that her brain would sign off on.
It's "get a grip, man" season... the time of year when kids graduate from one grade to another or from one school to another. A couple of years ago when Stella had her first graduation ceremony at daycare I was balling like a baby. I thought to myself, "get a grip, man".
The next year Marni graduated from one daycare to another. Again... balling like a baby.
So Friday was Marni's graduation ceremony at Raindrops and I was preparing for the waterworks.
After a nice brunch with the other parents, the kids performed two numbers and, unlike the past two years with Stella, Marni actually performed with her classmates. Quite a difference from the Stella era where her shyness prevented her from taking part in the performances.
And were there waterworks? Nope, not this year.
But Stella's "stepping up" ceremony is next week. It may be time again to "get a grip". Stay tuned and send me a case of tissues.
Nana Bev and Papa Art were taking care of the kids this past weekend while Lisa and I were away celebrating our 7th anniversary.
On Saturday night Marni started to complain about diaper rash. This is interesting if for no other reason than she really no longer wears diapers. She continued to pull at her underwear and got pretty agitated. Nana Bev took her to their bedroom where Marni demanded that she get diaper cream. Even after slathering herself with the cream, Marni was still upset and crying.
It was just about bed time, so my mother put her in her bed. But the crying continued unabated.
Enter Stella (The Marni Whisperer).
Our little Florence Nightingale knelt over her sobbing sister and applied the gentle forehead and nose "massage" that I have done to Stella over the past year or two. According to Nana Bev, after a minute or two of the massage, Marni was sound asleep for the night.
I smiled when I heard this sweet story from my mother and from Stella. Not only was I happy to hear that Stella finds the massage enjoyable enough to share with others, but I was especially touched to see Stella step up and help her little sister feel better.
Marni took her first class picture last month and here is the result. Please note the alternate spelling of her name at the bottom right. Looking good Marini!
It started with Stefan Rose... a little snail that Stella found in the playground. I didn't intend on the snail coming to live with us, but Stella had other plans.
A day or two after Stefan Rose joined us, Stella found another snail (the girl has special talent). With the addition of snail number two, Stella did some renaming. Snail #1 became Stella Rose and snail #2 became Stefan Rose. Depending on what day it is, the snails are either both girls or a girl and a boy.
When Lisa was carrying the new snail home in our snail house, she said she felt the little house shake and noticed that the new snail was on top of and "attacking" the first snail. Later that night I had to explain to Lisa what sex was all about. This is strange considering we already have two kids.
In any event, Stella is a proud mom and daddy gets to take care of the snails and clean their poop. BTW... the snail on the left is Stefan Rose and the snail on the right is Stella Rose.
Have I mentioned that the PTA at Stella's school is a money making machine? Their latest scheme was an Art Fair.
They gave out special paper to all the classes at the school. Each kid in each class created some sort of artwork on the paper. They then collected all the artwork, framed it, and put it up for sale at the Art Fair. Then they invited all the parents to come and buy their kid's artwork. Quite a racket. Great idea.
So we did our part and went to the Art Fair. Stella excitedly showed me to the Pre-K area. All of Miss Cassen's class did their art in charcoal. Luckily, her art was pretty good (I hate to buy bad art)! I whipped out the debit card and did my part to support P.S. 39.
The beautiful piece of art is now proudly hanging in our main bathroom (where it fits in perfectly with the gray paint job). Come to think of it, all of Stella's great art is hanging in bathrooms (the other installation being in a law firm in Salem, Mass.).
Laurie-Doo Shayler ran her first half-marathon on Saturday and the Shepards were there to cheer her on.
Our two little cheerleaders first caught up with Laurie in Prospect Park. After watching her make two laps we packed up our "Run Laurie Run" sign (made by mommy) and headed to meet her at the finish line in Coney Island.
Unfortunately (for us) Laurie was a faster runner than we thought and she finished before we got there. That didn't mean the fun had to stop though. The gang headed for lunch near (not at) Nathan's. The party-pooper adults went home after that, but the Shepard family had rides to ride and beaches to dig in to.
Marni rode the Wonder Wheel (again). This time it was mommy's maiden ride.
After we exhausted our supply of ride tickets we headed to the beach. The gals got in their bathing suits and dug and splashed for another hour.
It's no Old Orchard Beach, but Coney Island is certainly a good, close alternative.