On Saturday night Marni started to complain about diaper rash. This is interesting if for no other reason than she really no longer wears diapers. She continued to pull at her underwear and got pretty agitated. Nana Bev took her to their bedroom where Marni demanded that she get diaper cream. Even after slathering herself with the cream, Marni was still upset and crying.
It was just about bed time, so my mother put her in her bed. But the crying continued unabated.
Enter Stella (The Marni Whisperer).
Our little Florence Nightingale knelt over her sobbing sister and applied the gentle forehead and nose "massage" that I have done to Stella over the past year or two. According to Nana Bev, after a minute or two of the massage, Marni was sound asleep for the night.
I smiled when I heard this sweet story from my mother and from Stella. Not only was I happy to hear that Stella finds the massage enjoyable enough to share with others, but I was especially touched to see Stella step up and help her little sister feel better.
I'm very proud of her.