Stella doesn't have a stellar record of performing in performances. Usually she will sit it out on the sidelines. As she explains it to us, she will perform when "her brain is ready". Ok.
But this year, Miss Kelly and Miss Cassens finally solved the problem that has stumped so many teachers before them. They devised a special "solo" for Stella to perform that got her brain's seal of approval.
We didn't know the details of the performance ahead of time, but I knew it had something to do with a balloon because I helped her carry it to Camp Friendship in a shopping bag.
Lisa and I and some of the other parents from Pre-K 108 took our seats on the floor and awaited the magic. Pomp, circumstance, Pre-K 105, and then it was time for Ms. Cassens' class to do their thing. While the rest of the class performed, Stella sat on the sidelines with her balloon. What was she going to do with it we wondered?
The performance by her classmates was spectacular.
Hafway through the dance, Stella got up and did her thing. Her performance piece was to keep the white balloon (which represented the moon) up in the air. And what a job she did! In front of the whole auditorium! Even while still holding the shopping bag under her arm.
It was so great to see her finally participate in a performance. Kudos again to Miss Kelly and Miss Cassens for listening to Stella and creating a very special part for her that her brain would sign off on.