Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shepard University

It could be worse.

At least the girls aren't choosing to mimic daddy's bio-noises. Well, actually they are. But that's not what I'm writing about here. The more interesting mimicking is the mimicking of their teachers.

Ever since school started in September, Stella (and to a lesser extent, Marni) has become obsessed with playing the role of teacher. She teaches her dolls. She teaches her sister. She teaches her parents.

Sometimes it's at the easel. Sometimes it's on the rocking chair. Or on the couch. You name the location and it's pretty certain that Stella has set up a classroom.

Lately she's all about tally marks. She loves the tally marks. And she loves teaching about them. Luckily, her little sister loves to learn about tally marks. It's a win win.

But don't mess with this educator. She has learned all the tricks of the trade when it comes to dealing with difficult students. Cross this girl and you may be sent to the principal, or have a note sent home to your parents.

(This post contains video that can only be viewed from the website.)