Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stella Does Rudolph

You never know what your tax dollars may be paying for.

With the approach of the holiday season, it's become time for the girls to start watching their favorite holiday movies. Tonight Stella and Marni picked "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" as their dinner time entertainment.

As we reached the end of "Rudolph", the famous Burl Ives tune began to play. To our surprise, Stella jumped off the couch and began to perform a choreographed dance number to the song.

Evidently the 1st grade music class at P.S. 39 has been working hard to choreograph movement to at least one classic Christmas song. We would never had known this if we hadn't put on one of our favorite holiday films. Who knows what other performance gems have been programmed into our children?

Only time will tell.

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