Stella's teeth are fleeing her mouth like rats on a sinking ship. How's that for a tasty metaphor?
For the past couple of weeks there have been three squatter teeth that have refused to vacate her premises. They were so loose that every time she would open her mouth, they would be pointing in totally new and individually different directions.
It was creeping me out!
Stella's front tooth finally gave it up yesterday at school (prompting yet another visit to the school nurse by one of the Shepard kids... 4 out of 4 days so far).
That was tooth 5.
Tooth 6 decided that it couldn't live without its wobbly friend, and later that day at Beansprouts committed suicide by bagel. Sadly, the tooth went the way of the bagel bite and was swallowed.
This has left a rather prominent and not entirely attractive configuration of teeth in this poor girl's mouth. The lone tooth looks like a holdout building refusing to be razed in an urban renewal project.
Stella had an initial fear that the tooth fairy would not compensate her for the missing tooth. But we assured her that the tooth fairy is all knowing and very trusting and that she would receive adequate compensation. And true to form, the tooth fairy laid a nice Hamilton on Stellie.
Now, off to the supermarket to buy some corn on the cob, apples, and caramel candy. Tooth number 7... I'm comin' for ya!
Marni's year of Pre-K began winding down today with the official "Stepping Up" ceremony (otherwise known as "graduation").The proceedings took place in Prospect Park and consisted of a performance by each class, handing out of diplomas, and then a pot-luck picnic.
After bringing Marni to class, we stuck around and then walked with the class up to the park. The kids had some running-around time before they were lined up on a hill to start their singing. Marni's class belted out a spirited version of "Bazooka Zooka Bubble Gum" followed by the "Days of The Week Song".
Once they were done wowing us with their singing talents, it was time to hand out the diplomas. And then... time for food and fun.
Marni grazed the various food tables in between running, kicking balls and swinging a bat.
By noon it was all over and most of the kids marched back to PS39 to finish out the remainder of their school day.
Preparing for the performance.
Proud grads holding up their diplomas.
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That's the event the PTA throws where they get your kid to paint or draw something and then sell it back to you. As if you don't have a more than ample supply of their precious treasures already.
Ok. Ok. Yes, it's all for a good cause and it's a lot of fun to walk around the gym and see all the artwork that the kids have come up with.
Actually, it's a good way to compare how you kids' artwork stacks up against the others. To make sure your kids aren't losers.
Ok. Ok. It's all about the fun!
Unfortunately (or, "as it turns out" as Apple would say), the girls and Lisa couldn't actually make it to the Art Fair last night, so it was daddy's responsibility to deal with the extortion event.
Ok! Ok! It raises money for the school!
It was a lot of fun to walk around and see what the different classes are up to. (Each grade paints on the same theme). There was a spectacular painting done by a 2nd grader that I wanted to purchase for myself. (Which brings up the interesting question... can you purchase another kid's art?). I liked what the 3rd grade was up to, but not so much the 4th grade. The 5th grade stuff was pretty good. The Kindergarten theme was adorable.
I also tried to pick out the artwork that each of my kids did from all the others in the class. That never works.
First I found Stella's painting. She did a really great job (if I do say so myself).
Then I searched around for Marni's. Her teacher told me that she spent a lot of time on it and was very particular about every detail. When I heard that she spent a lot of time on it, I began to worry. That usually means that she has taken the time to mix every color together with the end result being that the artwork looks like mud. But I was very pleasantly surprised. I like it! Although I may take it to child psychiatrist to have them evaluate it.
So now, off to find a hammer and nails and a very special spot in the house for our latest masterpieces. Watch out Papa Art!
We were first introduced to the PS 39 Dance Festival two years ago when Stella was in Pre-K. Back then, Stella was so shy that her teachers had to create a special role for her so that she's be comfortable enough to perform. And Stella performed magnificently!
This year things changed again as Marni joined the PS 39 dance world.
As show day approached, neither girl gave us any clues as to what they were going to perform. This is quite unusual for a pair of girls who can't keep a secret to save their lives. I dropped off both girls at school and scooted across the street to grab a primo seat at Camp Friendship (the school's gym). Only an hour earlier the performance was moved indoors because of the threat of rain.
At just after 9 o'clock the parade of Pre-K munchkins walked into the building. Marni scanned the crowd for us and burst out into a big smile when she saw the large "GO MARNI" sign that Lisa was holding up for her. The teachers got everyone into place and then the performance began.
The kids did a great job during the organized chaos that was their performance. Spins and dips and leaps. Marni's years of dance training were put to good use for the 3 minute spectacular. More big smiles from Marni when it was all over, and then she and her class were lead back to school to make room for the Kindergarten show.
Stella and her class marched in after the kindergarteners finished. The whole class was decked out in custom made yellow t-shirts. Unfortunately, Stella's dance group lined up on the opposite side of the gym. Nowhere near where we were seated. Lisa made a mad dash to the other side of the building just before the performance started in order to record the dance.
When the music started, once again Stella was stellar. She didn't miss a beat to the tune "What Time Is It?" from High School Musical 2. All smiles.
When they finished their number, the 1st graders marched out of the building to make way for the 2nd graders. That's when we took our leave (not meaning any disrespect to the 2nd graders).
We picked up each girl in their classroom where they were coming down off their showbiz highs and took them down the street for a congratulatory treat at Colson's.
But the dancing bug hasn't departed. Almost nightly we get dance performances from each girl (decked out in their finest dresses) to the sounds of the Glee CD. And we get the best front row seats every night.
This post contains video that is only viewable from the website.
Usually on Memorial Day weekend the family heads up to OOB to open the cottage for the new season. "Opening" consists of equal parts work and eating fried clams.
This year the traditional takes a slightly new direction with the introduction of Cottage 2.0. Instead of washing the porch screens, the work this year shifted to painting the place.
The painting crew consisted of all of us Brooklyn Shepards, Nana and Papa Shepard, Karen and Glenn, and the Brenner family.
This was out first opportunity to see the inside of the cottage... and we liked what we saw. The girls zoomed around getting a feel for the place and they eventually picked out what will be their new bedroom. Marni even picked out the location of her future bed.
Everyone picked up a brush or roller and quickly got down to business. There was a fried clam break around 1 and by late afternoon it became apparent that this job was going to take a little more time than we expected. Stella and Marni did a great job of keeping themselves busy on a day that was just a little too gloomy to spend on the beach.
We all retired to our hotel rooms at the end of painting day 1 and, after some dinner, headed off to bed to be well rested for the next day of painting.
After a nice breakfast at the hotel, we all headed back to the cottage to resume working.
Unlike Saturday, Sunday ended up being a great beach day and Cousin Janet volunteered to take the girls down to play in the surf and sand. By the end of the day we had most of the first floor painted. As we departed, we fueled up for our trip back to Natick with a stop at Dairy Queen.
We still need to finish painting, and move in the furniture, and buy appliances, and install the tv and cable. But its apparent that this summer is going to be a lot of fun!
Stella must have been channeling her inner poet tonight. Without warning or fanfare, Stella whipped up this little number and then performed it for me, Marni and my parents.