Hurricane Bill had whipped up the surf at OOB and we were keeping the girls close to shore. Stella and Marni were happily frolicking in the ankle-deep water. Lisa and Nana Audrey had things well in-hand nearby, so I decided to make a call to Nana Bev.
No sooner did I start to chat with my mother than a rogue wave knocked Marni off her feet. The surging water was tumbling Marni end-over-end up to the dry sand, but when she stopped tumbling, she was face down on her hands and knees in the water.
The moment I dreaded was upon me. Do I save my child, or do I save my iPhone? Evidently instinct overruled reason. The next thing I knew I was scooping up Marni with one arm while trying to hold the iPhone out of the water with the other. But the scooping action resulted in the iPhone taking a dip.
I brought a sputtering Marni up to safety. After making sure she was ok (not even crying), I glanced at the iPhone. Not good.
Power off. Dry as much as possible. Search the Internet for solutions.
I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to send the phone into the shop for repair or replacement. Even more horrible was the realization that I would be the first nincompoop in the company to ruin their iPhone.
And then... "click, click, click". A miracle! After a day of use, sound began coming out of the phone.
What a lucky guy I am. Not only did I save my Marni, but I also saved my iPhone.
Now, Marni has a great tale to tell all who will listen about the wave that knocked her over. The dad that scooped her up. And the phone that got broke during her rescue.
So the Sophie's Choice question of Marni or iPhone has been answered. Next up... Stella or the GPS, and Lisa or the DVR.