Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fire Restaurant

"The Fire Restaurant" is what Stella and Marni call the local hibachi restaurant, Ginza. They've been there four times already. The first time was so traumatic for both of them that we figured they'd never want to go back. When the flames shot up, Marni was literally shaking with fear.

But, regardless of their fear, they kept talking about the place and kept insisting they wanted to go back. So they went back again with me and Lisa. They were anxious about the fire, but definitely not as scared. Then they went again with my parents. And this past week they went again with me and Lisa.

As you can see from the video (which runs a little fast for some reason), Stella is still wary and tended to observe the fire from 50 yards away. Marni, on the other hand, stood her ground. She's especially fond of when the little water-squirting doll "pees" on her.