We were visiting some friends at their home. We'd already been there for about 45 minutes and the girls and Max the dog were getting along fine. But all of a sudden Marni started screaming. No one had been watching her so we had no idea what had happened. The dog was nowhere in sight. But Marni was clearly in pain. I looked around to see if she had touched something hot in the kitchen. No clues.
I picked her up and noticed that she was scratched and beginning to bleed. We asked her if the dog bit her and she nodded yes. We cleaned up the blood and calmed her down. She explained that the dog bit her on her face.
The dog was banished for the remainder of the night and, after about 2 minutes, Marni was back to normal... but with a bandage on her face. She didn't seem particularly traumatized by the event.
We cleaned her up a little more once we got home. Today I took her into the doctor to make sure all was ok. Marni was happy to relate the whole story to the doc who didn't think it was much of a bite. Just keep in clean and use some anti-scarring potion for the next few weeks.
And there you have it. It'll be interesting to see if the kids keep their distance from dogs going forward. They certainly have been warned!