Ok, he's 18 and lives in Germany, but no big deal.
We've had two very nice German teenagers staying with us for the past week while visiting the U.S. for the first time. Manuel and Philipp. Philipp is the son of friends of Lisa's and she's known him since birth. Now, evidently, he is going to be our son-in-law. At least as far as Stella is concerned.
After a few days of visiting, Stella began to warm up to Philipp. Eventually she would slip into bed between the two boys when we were all getting up in the morning. She would cuddle with "the blond boy". Once Lisa caught her staring at him from inches away while he was busy texting. Yesterday I noticed her playing with the hair on his leg while snuggled next to him in bed. He was texting and oblivious.
A day or two ago she started actually referring to him as her boyfriend and said she loved him. Yesterday, before he left, she took a video of him promising that he was her boyfriend and that she could come visit him whenever she wanted.
Smart girl to get it on tape. Next, I will teach her about pre-nups.
But, sadly, like most summer loves, this one had to end. Philipp and Manuel headed off to the flughafen and I had one sobbing girl on my hands ("I miss my boyfriend".). I actually had two sobbing girls on my hands. Marni was sobbing "Mommy!" as Lisa drove off to JFK.
Only time will tell if this love will last. We are scheduled to visit with Philipp and his family in October. But, by then, Stella may be on to the next love of her life.